The CCNA exam is one of the very much in demand Cisco certifications in the market. Now few changes have been made in the Cisco certification. The CCNA certification is now known as CCNA Routing & Switching. To appear for this exam you must have cleared CCENT. To appear for and clear the CCNA – Voice, security, wireless and CCDA exams, the CCENT certification is sufficient. The new additions are IPv6 Support, IOS v15, IOS licensing, and a simple 802.1x security implementation. The current ICND1 (640-822), ICND2 (640-816) and CCNA (640-802) exams will expire on September 30, 2013. You can combine old and new exams until September 30th—ICND1 (640-822 or 100-101) and ICND2 (640-816 or 200-101). You can get the official notes for Cisco exams from Ciso Press. Cisco Press has a lot of self-study resources such as books, eBooks, video training, practice tests, value-priced libraries, and simulator software. For more information visit the Cisc...
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