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Showing posts from January, 2020

Cisco CCNA Exam Certification Library - Softlogic CCNA Certification Program Training in Chennai

The CCNA exam is one of the very much in demand Cisco certifications in the market. Now few changes have been made in the Cisco certification. The CCNA certification is now known as CCNA Routing & Switching. To appear for this exam you must have cleared CCENT. To appear for and clear the CCNA – Voice, security, wireless and CCDA exams, the CCENT certification is sufficient. The new additions are IPv6 Support, IOS v15, IOS licensing, and a simple 802.1x security implementation. The current ICND1 (640-822), ICND2 (640-816) and CCNA (640-802) exams will expire on September 30, 2013. You can combine old and new exams until September 30th—ICND1 (640-822 or 100-101) and ICND2 (640-816 or 200-101). You can get the official notes for Cisco exams from Ciso Press. Cisco Press has a lot of self-study resources such as books, eBooks, video training, practice tests, value-priced libraries, and simulator software. For more information visit the Cisc...

Server Support Hardware - Softlogic PC Engineering CompTIA A+ Hardware Certification Courses in Chennai

Different cabinets such as server rack, rack cabinet, and server cabinet are used to hold different computer servers. The servers can belong to companies such as Pro, Mac, HP Pro, and Dell. The racks help in holding the servers in the right position when the cables are connected. Server Racks have an exhaust fan to reduce the heat in the system. Server racks are also made of water proof material. The server rack makes it easier for the system to be connected to the internet. Server Cabinets protect the server from any damage. They fully cover the computers and so prevent the servers from breaking down. If the server is destroyed then all the files, data, and information in the server will be lost. That is why server cabinets are needed to protect the servers. Rack Cabinets come in different sizes and shapes to hold different types of computers and servers. Apart from the servers, the rack cabinets can also hold monitors, network switches, and different electronic connec...

Tired of Trying for an IT Job? Here's Softlogic to Help You

Tired of Trying for an IT Job? Here's Softlogic to Help You Being a pioneer in Software training in Chennai , Softlogic is also specialized in training and employing people in IT industry for several years. The skills and talents demanded by the IT industry is volatile, it changes from time to time. Thus Softlogic always keeps updated with the current trends and requirements to enlighten the career of future generations.  Having said that IT industrial trend keeps changing from time to time, to get a successful career in IT industry there is a necessity to get trained with the skills demanded by the IT industry. Compromising on this fact will lead to an unstable career. Softlogic would be the Ultimate Destination Softlogic offers several IT professional training courses ranging from software courses to hardware and networking courses. These courses are designed in accordance with the available job opportunities and prospects. Softlogic always wanted its trainees to get...

Complete IT Professional Training Course by Softlogic - Chennai

What makes an IT professional course complete? Though there are many training institutes in Chennai engaged in offering several IT professional courses, the vital question goes unanswered all the time. Does that professional course is complete enough to secure an IT job. This blog is answering that career thriving question in several perspectives.  A training course covering all the topics on its syllabus cannot be a complete professional course. Complete professional course should contain training for all the essential skills and talents which can turn a trainee to a complete professional. On the whole, a trainee pursuing IT training course should be qualified to be an IT professional. Necessary skills include technical skills, soft skills, interview skills, aptitude skills and positive attitude. Unfortunately, most of the IT training institutes are not concentrating on any skills other than technical skill. Professional courses offered by Softlogic Systems are ...

History of Dotnet | Tutorials | Softlogic Systems in Chennai

Microsoft has developed .Net platform to ease the application development process with the help of excellent tools and frameworks. The IDE (Integrated Development Environment) of .Net Framework is known as Visual Studio and it is introduced in the year 2002. The feature of accommodating various programming languages and object oriented programming concepts makes it an unique and efficient IDE. The following table shows the brief history of Visual Studio IDE: Year 2002 - Visual Studio 1.0 Introduced with Common Language Run-time and support for web applications using object oriented programming concepts. Year 2003   - Visual Studio 1.1 Features like ASP.NET, ADO.NET, ODBC, databases were added to the framework. It supports mobile ASP.NET controls and Internet Protocol Version 6. Year 2004 - Visual Studio 2.0 CLR 2.0 is introduced, generics, partial classes and other features added Year 2005 - Visual Studio 3.0 It comes ...

Softlogic Systems | Employment Training | IT Courses in Chennai

Softlogic Systems is a private employment exchange that is engaged in offering world class employment focused IT training courses in Chennai . Being a pioneer in corporate training and placement, Softlogic is known for its perfection in making a trainee to an employable IT Candidate. Need For Employment Training ñ   The lack of skills and attitude of the candidate is the major reason for their unemployment. Thus the need for proper employment training program is required to ease the struggle of an IT candidate to get an IT job (SLA is offering free training on communication skills, attitude skills, aptitude skills and interview skills with all employment training programs). ñ   Students who are just completed their graduation has no idea about the corporate environment and working environment (Internship training on live and real time project from SLA will help the trainees to gain good experience about their working environment, Mock interviews conducted by SLA Jobs...

Softlogic Systems | Hardware/Software/Networking Courses in Chennai

IT Career oriented certification courses and employment courses are offered by India's no.1 private employment exchange, Softlogic Systems. Excellent training for hardware, software and networking careers is available with internship project training. More than thirty world class trainers who possess global certification are engaged in providing IT training. Employment oriented courses are also available in Softlogic which comprises of the entire syllabus ranging from basic topics to the advanced level topics. Each and every concept is explained clearly and practically exercised on the excellently infra-structured laboratory. Reliable placement assistance is provided to the top IT companies, MNC IT Companies and top level CMM companies. IT Employment Training Courses from Softlogic Systems : ñ   SCIM (SLA Certified Infrastructure Management) Course ◦    Complete Hardware and Networking Course Syllabus Available At :

Softlogic Systems | Authorized Examination Center | Pearson Vue Chennai

Pearson Vue is a global skill test examination that is conducted all across the world. These examinations are considered as very valuable evident in analyzing the ability of the IT candidates. Pearson Vue is recognized as the world's leading test center network. The magnificent design and concept followed in Pearson Vue examinations makes it unique and the best. Being a largest and consistent private company that is engaged in commercial testing and publisher of education, Pearson Vue tests are approved by most of the leading IT companies of the world. Pearson Vue has its authorized examination center in various places around the world. The following are the various IT Certifications of Pearson Vue Test Centers CISCO Certifications CCENT CCNA CCNP CCIE Linux Certifications Like LPIC RHCSA RHCE CLP CLE etc Comp TIA Certifications Comp TIA A+ Comp TIA Security + Comp TIA Network + Pearson Vue al...

Hot to Get an IT Job? | Softlogic Systems Chennai

Commitment Unless you improve your involvement in the field, Information technology will remain as an alien environment. Develop your interest towards the industry and begin your strategies for perfection. Capable of Surviving One of the drawbacks as well us advantage of IT industry is the need for keeping updated. Unlike any other sectors, IT industry always tends to sudden implementation of new technologies and techniques. New advancement is always welcomed by the IT industry which requires its employees to accommodate to the changes. In order to adapt to the latest technology and development in IT industry, keeping updated with the latest techniques and skills is very necessary for an IT candidate. Exceptional Positive Attitude Positive attitude is one of the key attributes expected from an IT candidate. Usually IT professionals will grouped as teams for working on a project. Thus positive attitude of the profession will reflect the growth of entire team. This also e...

Demand for Hardware and Networking Experts | Softlogic Systems Chennai

Hardware and networking field is has recorded a major hype over the past ten years. And the technological advancement in hardware and networking domain is rapidly increasing. Since the number of newly emerging multinational IT companies are on the increasing phase, the demand for hardware and networking professionals also increased substantially. Most of the commercial and business sectors are using computers to complete their tasks quickly and accurately. So, they require hardware and networking professionals for maintaining the computers. Need for Skilled Hardware and Networking Professionals Its always impossible to predict when the troubles and malfunctions occur in electronic devices. Computers are also electronic devices which is doing complex tasks and functions. It also requires proper maintenance and proper trouble shooting services. The hardware and networking professionals should possess enough skills to troubleshoot the problems in the computers quickly and effic...

Professional Ethics and Career Success | Softlogic Systems KK Nagar Chennai

  The values and ethics for a profession are very important factors that induce the great success. Using crooked ways and compromising on professional ethics sometimes give rise to sudden growth but it falls the same way. There are many great successful professionals around the world who claims that their secret of success is their professional ethics and morals. Following ethics and values will lead to a stable and progressive improvement in a profession. They will recognize as honest professionals and people will know that their words are good. Good relationships with the colleagues, clients and management could be achieved easily when one stick on to their professional ethics and values. Reputation as a hard worker will remain constant in their career till they follow their ethics. Thus the professional ethics has direct impact on the career success. About Softlogic Systems KK Nagar Chennai Softlogic is an employment training company in Chennai that is providing ...

Networking Interview Questions | Softlogic Systems KK Nagar Chennai

What are steps for checking IP address in windows environment? Click Start-> Run, type cmd to open command prompt then type winpcfg What is the use of IP address? IP address is an unique address given for a node in a network. This Is used for identifying the computer or hardware connected to the network. Write the Steps for registering and activating windows? Click start -> Run and type regwiz/r What is OSI? OSI (Open Systems Interconnections) is a model that defines the concept of the communication system. It has several layers of different functions. What is the use of Cross cables and standard cables in networking? Standard cables are used for connecting computers with hubs or switches. Cross cables are used for connecting computers with computers and hubs/switches with hubs/switches. Mention the number of pins available in serial ports? computer serial ports have either 9 or 25 pin...

Types of Computer Hardware | Softlogic Systems Chennai

As computers have become a basic gadget for both personal and official purposes, there is a little need to learn about the basic things about the computers. This blog talks about the basic hardware products used in a computer. ñ   Hard Disk Drive (HDD) - Hard disk is known as the permanent storage device which is capable of storing information and applications in a computer. ñ   Motherboard - It is one of the essential hardware required for a computer to operate. It is the house for computer microprocessor. ñ   Random Access Memory (RAM) Device - It is a main memory and this memory is used for processing the applications in a computer. Unlike hard disk, it cannot store any data and applications permanently. ñ   Read Only Memory (ROM) Device - ROM will also act as a memory storage device. These memory devices can read data but cannot write the data. Common ROM drives are CD-ROM (Compact Disk Reader), DVD-ROM (Drive for reading DVD discs) etc. ñ ...

Reasons for Youth Unemployment | Softlogic Systems KK Nagar

The rising number of graduated people and the decline of employment are the major factors that affect the growth of a country. The system of education in India is such that doesn't support the education focusing on the student’s employment. Major skills required for an employee are not taught at the education institutions. Causes of Unemployment Unemployment exists in two different situations. One is the lack of employment opportunities where the candidates are still searching for the job vacancies. The other scenario is the lack of skills in candidate that makes them unemployable. It's very difficult to increase the employment opportunities unless the effective strategies taken by the government. And it will take many years to successfully increase the employment opportunities. But it's possible to make the unemployable candidates employable. Proper skill training can increase their talents and make them capable of performing in the interviews. Solution from So...

Devices Used in Computer Networks | Softlogic Systems Chennai

Computer networks are responsible for the effective communication and data exchange between devices around the globe. Even communication exists between computers and satellites which are circling out the earth. This blog covers the basic devices that are used in the network Routers - Routers are the most widely used networking devices which transmits the data around the world. Routers are responsible for finding the right path among the multiple routes in the network. Switch - Switch is also used for transmitting and receiving data across the network. The major difference between routers and switches is that the switch will not find the network path. It just transmits the data across the network and the relevant receiver identifies the data and receives it. Switches are very quick in transmitting the data when compared to routers. Switches are also known for less expensive than the routers. Learn Networking - Softlogic Systems Chennai Complete network professional t...

Technologies that has changed the world | Softlogic Systems Chennai

Computers The machine that has occupied a substantial space in almost all the sectors is the computers. Starting from the homes to multinational companies and heavy machinery industries, the computers always dominates the roles. Even the heavy machinery products are automated and controlled with the help of computers. Significant growth in the quality of lifestyle and efficiency in accomplishing day to day actions are some of the gifts from computers to humans. Smart Phones Equivalent to computers, smart phones has revolutionized the world with its performance and portable facilities. Smart phone technology allows lot of utility and entertainment applications to be installed in the device and can be utilized on the go. Smart phones also integrate with the computers and network around the world. Internet The World Wide Web has keeps increasing its size by accommodating more and more web pages daily. The internet has reached almost every part of the world. Without interne...

Dotnet Technology is the Best | Softlogic Systems Chennai

Microsoft Corporation has developed a perfect IDE for software developers and web application developers. The technology is named as Dotnet platform and the following are salient features of dotnet platform.  Dotnet environment integrates with various other technologies and tools effectively to ease the development process of software developers.  Authenticating clients and submitting forms are comparatively easier than any other integrated development environment. Code reusable features and customizable Application Programming Interfaces (API) are extensible features of dotnet technology. The maintenance processes in dotnet platform is much easier and efficient. Web page flexibility can be achieved with the help of server side code execution in dotnet technology. To receive job updates and placement tweets from Softlogic, Kindly like our official facebook page" " Complete Dotnet Training - Softlogic Chennai : Softl...

MCITP Training in Chennai | Softlogic Systems KK Nagar

What is use of MCITP Training? Microsoft Corporation is known for manufacturing widely used software and hardware product around the world. They have developed a vast valuable and highly accredited program called MCITP (Microsoft Certified IT Professional) Course. This course is one of the IT expertise level validation course that is acknowledge by majority of the top IT companies. Need for MCITP ñ   The training is integrated with comprehensive and advanced modules. ñ   Ensures the in-depth knowledge about technology ñ   Credential with credibility and global appreciation ñ   Helps to become successful by surviving the career competition. To receive job updates and placement tweets from Softlogic Systems, Kindly like our official facebook page" " Softlogic  KK Nagar - MCITP Training Course Softlogic is one of the best institutes for availing MCITP training in Chennai. The course covers all the...

Difference Between Java and Dotnet | Softlogic Systems KK Nagar

Java and dotnet technologies are the most preferred software development platforms around the world. so, most of the recently qualified IT graduates prefers any one of these platform as their career. This blog talks about the major differences between dotnet and Java software development. Java is an open source software development platform which was initially developed by Sun Microsystems later acquired by Oracle. Dotnet technology was invented by Microsoft Corporation and it is not an open source platform for software development. Java is a light weight programming language that can run on majority of operating systems such as Unix, Linux, Windows etc. Dotnet IDE can run on windows operating systems and the software can be developed for majority of operating systems. Microsoft dot net has ASP.NET that used IIS (Internet Information Services) for server interactions. Java used Apache Tomcat for their server applications. Become a Java/Dotnet Professional - Softlogic ...

Highlights of ASP.NET | Softlogic Systems Chennai

ASP.NET is one of the components available in the dot net framework. This has excellent range of library files that can be effectively utilized for creating innovative web applications. It is called Active Server Page (ASP) . NET because it acts as an effective server side scripting language that can be interpreted during the run time. The following are the various highlights of ASP.NET Large and useful library support ñ   Support for many languages such as C, C++, C#, Ajax, Jquery, Java, Silverlight etc ñ   Built on CLR environment with SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol). ñ   Interactive user interface, data access, database connectivity, web application connectivity, network communication and many other advanced features available in ASP.NET ñ   Support for developing web applications, Content Management System (CMS) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) applications. Softlogic Systems Chennai  Softlogic  is offering complete traini...

Windows Presentation Foundation | Softlogic Systems Chennai

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is one of the rich component in .NET software development framework. .NET software development framework is one among the widely used integrated development environment around the world. The following are the highlights of Windows Presentation Framework ñ   Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) has excellent visual experience capabilities. ñ   Latest WPF has exclusive tools for developing desktop applications with smooth experience. ñ   WPF has XAML which helps to define the relationship between various UI elements, designs and controls. ñ   WPF has integrated 2D and 3D and animation features. ñ   Advanced Typography feature in available in Windows Presentaion Foundation. ñ   WPF supports fixed and adaptive documents. ñ   Multi-touch capabilities are included in the latest Windows Presentation Foundation 4. ñ   Shell integration services for Windows 7 operating system is available in Windows Prese...

Java Developers are Very Successful | Softlogic Systems Chennai

Java has become the most wanted software development platform by the software industry. This is because of the exclusive features and flexibility of the Java platform. This blog talks about the main highlights of Java software Development. Open Source Java is an open source software development platform which can be extended by any expert around the world. Since all programmers and researchers have the right to upgrade the software development platform, there is minimal chances for bug existence. Object Oriented Programming (OOPS) Java is an object oriented programming language which is the most flexible and platform independent programming language. There were numerous advantages of object oriented programming language than any other language. Dynamic Web Applications Java allows the developers to develop complex web applications and enterprise applications. High Performance Since the Java supports multi-threading ability, the per...

Latest Tech News | Job Information on Facebook and Linked In

It’s very mandatory of an IT candidate of IT employee to keep themselves updated about latest technical information. Softlogic Systems, which is one of the reputed employment training company in Chennai, is now providing information about day to day technical advancement and job vacancies in their official facebook page. The official face book page : Softlogic Systems Facebook Page Covers 1. New Technical Information 2. Placement Tweets 3. Job Vacancy News etc To receive job updates and placement tweets from Softlogic, Kindly like our official facebook page" " Softlogic Systems: Softlogic is one of the best places to avail excellent training on IT hardware, networking and software domains. The course is designed focusing on employment opportunities of the trainee and each course includes real time working experience with internship training. Address – Softlogic Syst...

Tips to maintain the computer | Softlogic Systems KK Nagar

Computers have become one of the essential gadgets in today's world. Thus the need to maintain the computer in a proper condition is essential. This blog provides a few effective tips to maintain the computer in an excellent running condition. #Tip 10 Turn off the computer once in a while to ensure its rest. #Tip 9 Get yourself trained to open the case of computer and clean it properly #Tip 8 It’s very essential to use UPS (Un-interrupted Power Supply) systems for the computer to ensure the life of computer. #Tip 7 Uninstall unnecessary software application and avoid installing them in your computer. #Tip 6 Try to run error checking software in your computer to maintain its integrity. #Tip 5 Keep deleting the cookies at equal interval of time which ensures the performance of the computer. #Tip 4 Keep your computer operating system updated with latest versions and bug fixes. #Tip 3 Registry files and memory should be cleaned periodically. ...

Software/ Hardware/ Networking Courses | Softlogic Systems Chennai

  Avail effective training on software, hardware and networking skills with IT certificate / career courses from Softlogic Systems in Chennai. Softlogic Systems would be the ultimate destination for IT placement training because of its world class training and effective placement services. Training is focused on effectively employing a candidate in appropriate career profile of the trainee. Courses are designed with the help of international experts and globally certified trainers are engaged in offering training. Offering Best Certificate Courses in Chennai     With strong belief on its potential of providing effective training, Softlogic never bribes the clients for recruiting trainees. The students are trained completely with all the excellent skills required to qualify in their career. Softlogic follows a rich standards and procedures in placement procedures to ensure the placement of trainees at the completion of course. Softlogic Systems has ...

Promising IT Career Opportunity | Softlogic Systems Chennai

How can an IT certification course impacts one's career? IT certification training courses has become one of the necessary qualifications of an IT candidate. This is because of the lack of skill training in colleges and certification courses concentrating particularly on skill training. There were many software training institutes in Chennai engaged in offering various IT career courses.  But the question is does that professional course is complete enough to secure an IT job. A certification course that covers all the topics in its syllabus cannot become a complete professional course. Complete professional course should contain training for all the essential skills and talents which can turn a trainee to a complete professional. On the whole, a trainee pursuing IT training course should be qualified to be an IT professional. The basic skills required for employment in an IT company includes technical skills, soft skills, interview skills, aptitude skills and positiv...

Steps for Installing Windows - Softlogic Systems Chennai

Steps for Installing Windows This blog is written to guide the computer users to install Windows 7 operating system easily. ñ  #Step 1 - Press the boot key to enter the system BIOS. (The key depends on computers main board) Del and F2 are most common keys. ñ  #Step 2 - Go to boot tab in BIOS settings and choose CD/DVD ñ  #Step 3 - Save the settings and restart the computer. ñ  #Step 4 - Insert boot-able Windows 7 DVD into the DVD drive of your computer. ñ  #Step 5 - After the Windows 7 loaded the necessary files, choose the language and time zone before clicking next. ñ  #Step 6 - Choose the operating system Windows 7 and click next. ñ  #Step 7 - Check the box accepting the terms and license agreements and click next. ñ  #Step 8 - Choose Custom option for installing a fresh copy of Windows 7 in your computer. ñ  #Step 9 - Select the hard disk partition where you want to install the operating system. ñ  #St...